Building Skills Together: One Learner's Story from the ESL Reading & Writing Circle
Discover insights from one of our learners about their experience in the ESL Reading & Writing Circle hosted at the CCIS!
Smiles and Memories at the Manchester Kids Club Summer Edition
This summer, FESA hosted the Kids Club Summer Edition in partnership with the City of Calgary and Manchester Community Space.
Write Catchy and Fun Songs for Children: A Guide for the Nonmusical
Songs and nursery rhymes are a fundamental tool for encouraging your child’s early development skills. A study published in 2016 by the...
FESA Learner Story: Mehdi H
Throughout the Summer, WINS has been hosting a weekly Reading and Writing Circle at their Beltline Community Hub. The Reading and Writing...
FESA Reading & Writing Program at WINS
At the WINS Beltline Community Resource Hub, we are delivering an ESL Reading and Writing Program. WINS is a long time program partner...
Celebration of Learning Award for 2022
On October 22nd, we held our Annual General Meeting, and at every AGM we like to hand out awards to outstanding people and organizations...
How to Free Write
Free writing is a powerful tool for everyone at any skill level: for those just starting out writing English to professional writers...