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Fundraise for Us
Our supporters do amazing things to raise funds for us. There are many ways to combine your passions with fundraising and there is no limit to how you can get involved.
Want to Host a Corporate Event?
Or sponsor one of FESA’s events? Why not sell a product where a portion of proceeds ?go to FESA, ask clients to donate towards a good cause.
Upcoming Birthday Party?
Why not ask your friends to donate instead of giving birthday gifts.
In Honour of a Special Occasion
Are you getting married? Make the occasion more special by asking guests to donate in lieu of presents or donate a portion of bar proceeds to charity.
Participating in a Sporting Event?
Are you signed up for a race or competition? Ask your friends to support your efforts and donate to help Calgary’s most vulnerable learners.
Be Creative
Are you a fabulous baker, yogi master, or have another passion? Share your talents and creativity to raise funds for FESA.
Do you have an idea or need some support getting started?
Contact us at 403-250-5034 for more information.
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