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3 Nursery Rhymes from Around the World!

Further Education Society of Alberta

Nursery rhymes are an important tool to helping a child develop their ability to grasp the phonetics and rhythm of a language; they also help develop other important skills like reading, math, and creativity. Nursery rhymes are such powerful language tools, you can find them all around the world!

Below is a collection of nursery rhymes from around the world. You may know some of them, or they may all be new to you! We’ve included lyrics in their original language, English translations, and links to videos that can help you get the melody down to sing with your child.

From England

Pussy Cat Pussy Cat

Pussy cat, pussy cat,

where have you been?

I've been to London

to visit the Queen.

Pussy cat, pussy cat,

what did you do there?

I frightened a little mouse

under her chair.

Fun facts:

  • The earliest record of the rhyme is publication in Songs for the Nursery, printed in London in 1805.

  • The Queen most often depicted in illustrations is Elizabeth I, but Caroline of Brunswick is also suggested.

From Germany

Alle meine Entchen (All My Ducklings)

Alle meine Entchen (All my ducklings)

schwimmen auf dem See (swim in the lake)

Köpfchen in das Wasser, (Heads in the water,)

Schwänzchen in die Höh' (Bottoms raised up high)

Alle meine Täubchen (All my doves)

sitzen auf dem Dach (sit on the roof)

Klipper, klapper, klapp, klapp, (Clapperty clap clap clap)

fliegen übers Dach (Fly over the roof)

Ri ra Rutsch (Ri ra slip)

Wir fahren mit der Kutsch' (We travel on the coach)

Wir fahren mit der Schneckenpost, (We travel with the snail mail )

wo es keinen Pfennig kost' (It doesn’t cost a dime)

Ri ra Rutsch (Ri ra slip)

From Venezuelan:

Sol Solecito (Little Sun)

Sol, solecito, caliéntame un poquito, (Sun, little sun, warm me a little)

por hoy, por mañana, por toda la semana, (today, tomorrow, and all week long)

luna lunera, cascabelera, (moon, moon, jingle bell,)

cinco pollitos y una ternera, (five chicks and one calf,)

caracol, caracol, a la una sale el sol (snail, snail, the sun comes out at one)

sale pinocho tocándo el tambor, (Pinocchio comes out playing the drum,)

con una cuchara y un tenedor. (with a spoon and a fork.)



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FESA acknowledges that the land upon which we work and call home is on the traditional territories of the Blackfoot Confederacy (Siksika, Kainai, Piikani), the Tsuut’ina, the Îyâxe Nakoda Nations (Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Goodstoney), the Otipemisiwak Métis Government (Districts 4, 5, and 6), and all people who make their homes in the Treaty 7 region of Southern Alberta.


We are grateful to work on the territory that situates Calgary, which is known as Mohkinstsis by the Blackfoot, Guts’ists’i by Tsuut’ina, and Wîchîspa by the Îyâxe Nakoda, as we endeavor to build a more literate and learning society allowing all to reach their potential.

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