Celebrating Family Literacy Day: Making Reading Fun for the Whole Family

In the coldest month, in one of the darkest months, Family Literacy Day is the time we gather together to share the warmth of reading and family! January 27th is Family Literacy Day, a day of recognition since 1999 to raise awareness about the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family.
The theme for 2024's Family Literacy Day is “Let's Have a Party!” It's the 25th Anniversary of Family Literacy Day: https://abclifeliteracy.ca/all-programs/family-literacy-day/

Our plans for celebrating the 25th year of Family Literacy Day is to hold an even with Mount Royal University's Child Care Centre for parent and child. We will be conducting activities that promote parent and child bonding: nursery rhymes, story time, and crafts!
As we do, every participant will receive FREE learning kits that contain essential literacy tools like books, pens/pencils, notebooks, games, and other items to continue the learning at home.