Gift Baskets for Families in Need
Happy holidays from everyone at Further Education Society of Alberta!
Interim Program Manager, Beibei Lu has been working hard on delivering some special holiday baskets to our program partners and participants to brighten up this cold time of the year.
Beibei Lu:
We assembled a total of 30 holiday baskets. Each kit includes a gift card, two or three books, play-dough, colouring markers/canyons, pencils, erasers, little notebooks, play cards, and candies/cookies.
8 kits were sent to MRU Iniskim Centre to 8 indigenous families on behalf of our 8 board members.
The rest of the 22 kits were sent to the agencies that we have PCMG or PCMG/LAPS programs:
CPCC (Calgary Pregnancy Care Centre)
The Mustard Seed Marlborough Park location
NCSC (Nepalese Community Society of Calgary)
ISC Healthy Start Program on December 6 -- two participants who maintained 100% attendance received kits!
Our program partners are passing along these baskets to their community members in need.
We hope everyone has a warm and happy holiday season! Thank you to all our of amazing program partners and program participants